Back With An IMPACT!!!

Hello again ya'll, haven't posted for quite awhile now. I do apologize, my days have been crammed trying to think of how to do Mr Guoy's fantastically challenging math homework. And after all that mind-blasting action, he told us today that he just asked us to do it, so we could learn it by ourselves. The whole class nearly threw a fit. However I do like his style of getting our brains to work more efficiently. He's just one smart, weird man.

ANYWAY I am posting this to release a bit of my stress, for all of you people who are reading this, and are NOT into video games. Please turn away now, because you may die of boredom. Just to let you know, I'm just gonna do a quick review on a sequel to one of the world's most awesome RPG's ever!!!

YES KINGDOM HEARTS! A GAME WITH ONE OF THE BEST GAMING FEATURES AND STORYLINE I HAVE EVER COME ACROSS! I am still unsure of the day it arrives at Malaysia though, but it's definitely gonna be this year. This version of the game is actually a prequel of Kingdom Hearts 2 and delves more into the history of Organization XIII. Here are 2 pages I scanned/ripped off one of those gaming comics.

PRESENTING XION! 14TH MEMBER OF ORGANIZATION XIII AND ONE OF THE 3 NOBODIES WHO REGAIN THEIR HUMAN MEMORIES! If any of you play the game, you may be able to see who she resembles. Here's a close up shot of her, with a blinded Riku in the back.

Cute huh? And what a teaser tag line that is! What I'm shocked at most is the insane quality of the game. The graphics look almost PS2-ish and let's not forget, this is the DS we're talking about here. Sony BVG and Square Enix, you guys rock hard!

This is another prequel for the PSP

This one tells the story of the 3 Keyblade wielders long before the Kingdom Hearts 1 plot. I have doubts of this one coming out anytime soon though, ESRB hasn't even rated it yet and from what I hear, some changes are still being undertaken. So PSP users be patient.

I'm sure tons of people are wondering when Kingdom Hearts 3 is gonna come out. Here's a picture, and before you scroll even lower, take a good look at it...

For those who have your hopes up already, let me tell you this. It may look real, it may look authentic, it may look awesome, BUT IT'S A WHOLE QUADROPOUND OF BULLCRAP!! For those who are experienced in computer graphics I'm sure you can already see many flaws in this wannabe design. For those who aren't, let me point it out to you.
NO.1: The Playstation 3 wordings up there, real PS3 games only have that on their sides, not their tops and the words aren't reflective.
NO.2: Where's the Sony, Square Enix and Disney licensing?
NO.3: The background picture, is from a scene in Kingdom Hearts 2.
NO.4: The most obvious, the "new" Kingdom Hearts emblem does not match it's side profile emblem, and look at the wordings! It looks ripped off, pasted and even though the box is facing diagonally, the words are just flat out straight.

Whether you did believe it or not, I'm sure KH fans would know by now, that when a new and REAL KH game is gonna be released, it is gonna spread through the internet faster than lightning and through the Japanese media faster than GREASED lightning. I do hope a version comes out for the Wii though, would be cool. Anyway to all gaming-induced people out there, one lesson for all, do research before buying anything, that is all. Until next post! Au Revoir...

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