History's Mark

I decided to make this a separate post, as it didn't relate to my first post at all. This is about my trip to the cemetery this morning, to visit the graves of my great-grandparents. It's been quite awhile since I last came here, I come here whenever I get the chance as I feel it's a form of respect. As usual, had to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to go, as we didn't want to get affected by the afternoon sun. I normally go with my grandpa and my grandma, but this time my parents finally decided to come.(They aren't the type who show respect to their elders) Anyway the gravestones were once again surrounded with dirt and plants, after clearing it all, this was our end product.

The closest grave is my great-grandpa's and the other, my great-grandma's. The trip was like any other, but this trip made me think a lot about life, as I kept pondering about it all the way home, until I got to posting it here. The reason is because I finally found out everything about my great grandparents today, by asking around. From what I've heard, my great-grandpa was an awesome man, but my great-grandma was kinda problematic. I knew her when I was young, I even remembered looking at the white coffin she was put in after she died in her sleep in the morning. She was blind for some reason, I still don't know why, but she wasn't blind from birth, and that blindness probably contributed to her attitude. On the other hand, I never met my great-grandpa, he died a year before I was born, I never got to see him or even hear his voice....

My great-grandma was a wrestling loving person, she liked that sorta thing. After she became blind, she still enjoyed the game, often forcing my great-grandpa to change the channel just to hear the screams of pain coming from those wrestlers, and my great-grandpa allowed it. I don't know much about my great-grandma, but the weird thing is, though I never saw my great-grandpa, I know a lot about him. I know that he's the perfect man any woman would want to marry, he cooks, he's an ace at work and he's ever-forgiving. He died of heart failure just after a day of being admitted to the hospital because of breathing problems. He was extremely close to my grandma, and enjoyed her cooking a lot. A few hours before he died, he asked to go home just to eat my grandma's cooking, my grandma promised him he would once he got back. Past midnight, my grandma got a call from the hospital, saying my great-grandpa was in critical condition. She called my grandpa who was still working to go visit him ASAP, she called everyone else too, creating one helluva fuss. She had just got into her car when the hospital called again, his heart couldn't take it, at 1:00 am....he died....God knows if he suffered before he died, I hope not, I hate slow deaths....

I've lived my life with a lot of people saying "Your great-grandfather would've loved you, you and him are so similar." I kinda understand why now, and I feel honored to be seen that way, he inspires me beyond the grave. To be a person, so many people consider to be "the best man of the family", to be related to him by blood, is such a great privilege.

My great-grandma

My great-grandpa

"A ship disappears as it sails further and further, but just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there"

Oh yea! I forgot to show you people what I found in those little stone vases to put flowers in, i found this on my great-grandpa's grave, can you guess what it is?

I'm sure most of you know already, for those of you that don't, here's the picture of it, out of the hole.

And before I end this post, HERE'S ANOTHER CRITTER I FOUND!

So now you people know a bit more about my family background as well, and here I shall end this post by wishing everyone:


Until next time.......Au Revoir.....

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