Better Late Than Never

Is this thang on? Ok here we go. I decided to start my blog today, seeing as I finally have time and have something good to right about. It's been about a month at my new school and I FRIGGIN LOVE IT HERE. The teachers and Form 5s here are so friendly and fun-loving, this place just doesn't feel like a school, and I'm gonna stress this point again----IT'S ONLY BEEN A MONTH!!! So anyway without further ado, here's my topic for the day. See that guy in the pic above? He's our ICT and NEW MATH TEACHER, I shall dedicate this section for him.

If you think you know 50% of computers, or more, I ask you to rethink everything. If you ever get into an ICT class with this man, you'd feel like the caveman who just stumbled upon the miracle known as the computer. This guy knows everything, from drives to ALUs to matrixes, even past all that computer stuff, he's a genius. And even past all those well processed brain cells, this dude has actually done some seriously "creative" stuff during his even-more-younger years. I shant disclose his name, but he seriously is one of the best teachers you can ever meet. Oh yea, the highest pic has some of my classmates in it, as well as some of the glorious Form 5s, I'll introduce em one by one next time i get pics of em.

Well I guess that would be it, but with his uniqueness, I know I'll say something about him sooner or later. I need to intro more of my friends on this blog, so I guess I should start collecting their faces on my camera, so until my next post, Au Revoir...

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